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Github建议将Pages Site的Markdown解析器替换为Kramdown

4月15日,Github向用户发出邮件,建议使用Github Pages服务的用户,应当将使用Github Pages服务搭建的站点的Markdown文件解析器替换成 Kramdown ——在此之前,应该有不少用户是使用 Maruku 的,而据Github的邮件, Maruku 已经过时。


The page build completed successfully, but returned the following warning:

Your site is using Maruku, the default Markdown interpreter. Maruku is now obsolete and may cause builds to fail for sites with invalid Markdown or HTML. See for more information on upgrading to a newer Markdown interpreter.

在2013年10月,Maruku的作者Benjamin Hollis在 Maruku is obsolete 一文中说道:

All of the things I wanted to do in Maruku for 1.0.0 were in fact already done in Kramdown – better code organization, better modularity and extensibility, good documentation, a better parser, and improved performance

并且在Kramdown 1.0.0发布后,Benjamin Hollis自己也转向了使用Kramdown。从Github上的Commits记录来看,Maruku也已经有三个月没有任何更新了。所以说,嗯,Github说,是时候换个更好的Markdown解析器了,不然有可能你的网站可能会在解析的时候发生问题。


markdown: maruku


markdown: kramdown
